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Thursday, May 27, 2010

Smoking Social Ad

This is a home-made video...

An anti-smoking campaign...

Thanks to Jin for the participation (hand & lungs), Luca (shoe) & the song by Lil_Wyte-My_Smoking_Song (Edited by Luca)

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


"The essential difference between emotion and reason is that emotion leads to action while reason leads to conclusions."

I already discussed about Saatchi & Saatchi's motto that stresses out the importance of touching people not by manipulating them but to make products as lovemarks.

Most of us have lovemarks, something special, brands that we prefer when making the purchasing decision.

I have my own lovemarks such as Apple, Jack Daniels and NIKE; and I am sure that everybody is also aware or not have their own. These could be disposable products, clothes, electronic appliances, cars etc.

So, what's the definition of lovemarks?
The company has defined the term according to different interpretations, that can be seen in the following table:

Lovemarks (someone's most favorite brands) have stories and people consider consuming products as maintaining relationship with the specific brands. With the brands people creates a love story and that's the difference between brand and lovemarks.

The relationship lasts a life time and that's the investment that guarantees success in the market more than just manipulating consumers for an instant response.

I think it's time to learn English...

This is a funny ad I found on Youtube, and it shows effectively the importance to know English, the most spoken language on the earth.

The ad is funny, catchy and for sure appeal to everyone in today's society where almost every song we hear at the Radio is in English. Maybe it is a little bit rude, the song is not probably what you want your kids to listen to, but I think that the words that they use, are simple, rude and for that reason, even those that cannot speak English properly can get it, and therefore feel the urge to learn the language!

Myself as well, when younger, had the same problem... listening to some English songs and not having a clue about what they were saying, but I liked the rhythm.

Clearly this ad express everything I try to explain in plain words... Probably it's not gonna look so funny to English native speakers, but for foreigners this is hilarious!

Monday, May 10, 2010


Saatchi & Saatchi was just a general advertising company till 1997, in financial trouble and its staff was depressed, since no better future seemed to appear in front of them.

However, by a strategic move and new changes within the firm, it became one of the most, maybe THE most, remarkable advertising companies in the world, introducing itself as an idea company not an advertising company anymore. The main change associated with this move is the appointment of CEO of Kevin Roberts in 1997.

So how did this change happen? How is it possible that a financially troubled general advertising company turned into one of the most successful "idea-maker" in the world?

The answer: Focus on people not products and customers.

The company started approaching people by providing emotion. They believed that by working with emotions they could hove hired the best people in the market, to inspire the best clients, the best partners, and the most devoted customers.

Kevin Roberts said "People everywhere are wanting to embrace emotion"

Anyway, focusing on emotions worked in the best way.

When Saatchi & Saatchi started focusing on emotion and love, many worried because stressed and tensed decision makers prefer rationality and cost-cutting. Emotion was not something that could get involved in business.

However, the company believed that emotions are more rewarding, both in the short and long-term and most people buy products with their mind and their heart even when they make a decision to buy products. They look for a rational reason but at the end, they take an emotional decision that 'I like it, I prefer it or I feel good about it.' So, the key is to make people feel good about a brand and getting a positive emotion and it makes the differences.

To be continued..

When beer is just good...

This is an advertising campaign run for Guinness beer, an international recognised beer and brand!

The black color, the strong taste and the Ireland idea... Guinness is not just a beer, it represents a lifestyle.

In 1975, Arthur Guinness signed for a deal that appear to be almost incredible... considering that time, but even nowadays!He got a 9,000 years contract for the first Guinness' brewery for 45Pounds a year... which I guess at the time was a great amount of money, but today...

This incredible story shows the true nature of this brand and the feeling behind it that built a strong international brand, spread all over the world, in every country... in fact, when you say Guinness, it's like you are talking of Prada or Gucci of the beers... a luxury brand within a market that represent a lot of things, but not really anything close to luxury!

The ad reported above shows the idea behind the campaign... Guinness is good for you!drink one a day and you won't need to go to the doctor... like the old saying about the apple.

Great representation for a beer... it is possible to grasp as soon as we see the ad what is meant by that... it's an apple, isn't it?but the color is black and Guinness is written on that!

Might run to the pub now and have one!

Social Ads & their impact on Society (Jeski social campaign) -2-2

There was a post about Jeski social campaign organisation's social advertising and it's a second post supporting the first one.

We mentioned that the organisation has their own method to conduct social advertising which is one of the advantages of Jeski social campaign that getting public's attention first and letting them know what the ads are trying to say and educate.
The following two ads are designed by Jeski social campaign for environmental organisations to let people know seriousness of global warming.

The first above ad is actual candles designed as the earth and it shows that as our earth is getting warmer, the earth will melt away.

The second ad is custom made decals of water and cityscapes are placed on windows at various commercial locations such as bookstores and restaurents etc to show how global warmaing will destroy our cities.

Jeski social campaign organisation design social ads through this briliant method that usually social ads such as about war and global warming could seem too boring and serious, then people avoid it but their ads are interesting and fun.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

is that a...??

Yeah.. probably this seems a little bit to rough! but in my opinion very effective... and certainly it grabs the viewer's attention...

It's fun, direct and it shows the product.. it's there!can you see the THREE beers??

Probably, it associates the fact that if you drink too much beer then you need to go to.... the bathroom... but it's effective and funny... and that's a cool way to engage consumers' attention in today's society, where we are exposed to at least 3,000 advertising messages every day...

Great lesson on how to stand out of the crowd, while still being relevant to the product!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Embrace Life!

Few months ago I came across this astonishing advertisement released only in February in UK.
I saw it for the first time on a show here in Australia, and I was seriously impressed by the realisation of such ad,but moreover from the power that was coming out of the screen!

The slowmotion, the family watching, the happy moment, the background music... everything looks perfect, as it is a normal day driving out in the country-side...

the only difference?

they are all sitting in the leaving room!

At the beginning is hard to understand what's happening...

Why is he sitting on a chair and not in a car, we are talking about road safety, right???

And then, in one moment everything becomes clear... the husband's face seems scared, something is happening, the daughter and wife more scared than him run and "embrace" him...

and then.... the impact!!!

but he is safe... his wife and daughter saved him from the crash and possible death!

This Ad was prepared for Sussex Roads Authority in UK, in order to move the public opinion in regards to a topic that for many years had seen too many victims.

The strong point of this ad, in my opinion, is the environment in which is set, the household, the warmth that we can feel in the first moment of the ad is incredible, the music helps us getting in to the mood of safety and happiness, and then the worst happens...

The key point of this ad, as stated in AdverToLog, is the presence of the daughter and her pivotal role in saving her dad. The Advertising company felt that having children in the Ad would have increased clearly the awareness towards families, and how parents should educate them in regards of road safety; but also how children have an important role as opinion formers in their family.

One of the other greatest point of this ad is the non-language style... no words, only images that can touch everybody around the world, and give everybody the same feeling...

Embrace your life... fasten your seat belt

Is AD *ucking lie?

Jeski social campaign organisation has a critical point of view at commerce advertising and if you visit their web site, you can find out this sentence "AD is a *ucking lie" with short essay.

They argue that advertising companies compete each other to be a greatest liar. Moreover, they make sarcastic remarks on advertising industry's ceremony of awarding prizes as nominating the best liar. Also they noted that advertisers spend most of their time to think how to manipulate people to spend more money, then their clients also could spend more money to buy ads from them.

The reason why they are criticising advertising industry is that, ads encourage people to consume continually even though products are unnecessary for them, for example, ads persuade people that if you buy luxury goods such as a big house and car, you'll be 'somebody'.

Does it seem to be too much or harsh?

At the end of the essay, they say "Advertisers are the smartest of all stupid people" and it implies that advertisers are clever and always thinking about to make clever ads but without knowing and thinking about what they are doing and working for; blinded by the greed that they become unaware of circumstances.

Of course, we could think that the points made by Jetski are unreliable and 'idealists' due to the fact that they are young and do not have enough experiences in business. However they actually worked in advertising companies in the heart of NY so this reflection actually comes from their life-experience. Well, this is the irony of it. They are committed to do what is a '*ucking lie'

So, Jeski with their innovative thinkers, has established a 'Jeski Social Campaign Organization'
to advertise products honestly by positioning the consumers to perceive with objectivity in the world of loaded facades.

So what do you reckon? Is AD a *ucking lie or not?

Monday, May 3, 2010

Social Ads & their impact on Society (Jeski social campaign) -2-

There is a very brilliant social advertising organisation, consisting of young advertisers and advertising students in NY.

The organisation motto about social advertising is:
"Doctors are not the only ones who can save lives from diseases.
Firemen are not the only ones who can rescue the lives from danger.

One advertisement can do either.

It can feed the hungry without buying food or cooking.
It can give blood without giving blood.

That is the power of Public service Ad."
(Jeski social campaign)

As the organisation declared its view on the power of public service Ad (Social Ad) above, they recognise the key point and purpose of social Ad, and applied it to the Iraq war.

The following ads are designed by Jeski social campaign organisation for Global Coalition for Peace (GCP) to announce the effect of war;

the slogan "What goes around, comes around".

Those posters show that the bullets and missiles which are fired by our troops, in the end will get back to us again. (Pictures are taken from "Jeski social campaign")

After this campaign was published, it spread rapidly through the Internet, such as blogs, web sites and online news. When people found and saw these posters, at the beginning they were just interested in the brilliant idea; however later on they realised what the meaning of the posters was and the side effects of war.

This method is one of the advantages of Jeski social campaigns and its posters; it is different from other normal social Ads, where the only attempt is to educate the public with messages. Jeski increased the awareness among the public by getting their sight attention first then letting space and time to think about the issue and the message they were trying to communicate.

There are many other good social ads designed in this way by Jeski social campaign organisation to support what mentioned above, and these will be posted as a series from time to time.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Social Ads & their impact on Society (ACF Ad)

As said in our first post, Advertising is not only used to raise awareness on some products or services; it can also be used to create awareness on some causes around the world that are of public interest.

There are some great examples of campaigns out there around the world that helped get attention on some matters that otherwise people would have neglected. The most common, and probably the most known one because of its exposure on TV, is the Ad about anti-smoking campaign, which emphases the problem by the use of images and video really strong that "force" the viewer to stay focus on the message!

However, here today we are going to present a superb campaign proposed by Australian Childhood Fundation (ACF) that not only acted using TV and Radio ads, but also launched a touching campaign in the streets of Melbourne around the end 2008.

The campaign started as a need to raise awareness among Australians that didn't really see in child abuse a problem, as the CEO of ACF reported in a Media Release "Australians want to believe that this problem is happening in another person’s neighborhood, in another community, not our own. The Stop Child Abuse Now Campaign asks adults to stop being bystanders and start taking action." (ACF Media Release, 2008)

Words written on the poster are "Neglected children are made to feel invisible". In this campaign they used mannequins of the size of children, where it was possible to see only their legs coming out of the poster, and the shape of the body remains behind the white paper. (Picture and comments are taken from "Programming Blog")

As it is possible to see the impact of having an image like this posted in the streets would be clearly great, not only will people firstly stop and see what is about (maybe also scared at the idea that there is a real kid behind the poster), but then they will also be "forced" to look at what the ad is saying. Moreover, at the bottom left the ACF website is written, in order to lead people into action, i.e. having a look at the website and understand the problem.

Although this ad may seem a little bit too hard on the way is represented, in my opinion it is trying to make Australians understand, that in their neighborhoods, in their streets or maybe right next to their apartment a child is being abused and adults are just "passing by" every day and not listening to their chocked screams!

Thanks for the image to Programming Blog, and the possibility to use their ad to ACF.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Our First Blog Post!!!


This is Luca and Jin!
We are both students of Business Marketing from Macquarie University, with a great passion about Advertising; in this blog we intend to explore some ideas of current and past advertising campaigns.

We will analyse for each blog post one advertising campaign and discuss what we think is good and the reasons for that!Here below there is a storyboard/representation of the main areas we will analyse in this blog.

What we mainly wan to achieve from this blog is to share the beauty and strength of what advertising is, how this influence people mind and behaviour not only towards certain products and service, but also towards certain causes.

We believe Advertising is one beautiful and creative art that serve to express ideas and not only to market and sell products!

In this first blog, we want to start by sharing a famous quote about advertising!

"I like Ads. It's not that we don't like Ads, we just don't like ads when they are out of place"
Bill Barnes