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Monday, May 10, 2010

Social Ads & their impact on Society (Jeski social campaign) -2-2

There was a post about Jeski social campaign organisation's social advertising and it's a second post supporting the first one.

We mentioned that the organisation has their own method to conduct social advertising which is one of the advantages of Jeski social campaign that getting public's attention first and letting them know what the ads are trying to say and educate.
The following two ads are designed by Jeski social campaign for environmental organisations to let people know seriousness of global warming.

The first above ad is actual candles designed as the earth and it shows that as our earth is getting warmer, the earth will melt away.

The second ad is custom made decals of water and cityscapes are placed on windows at various commercial locations such as bookstores and restaurents etc to show how global warmaing will destroy our cities.

Jeski social campaign organisation design social ads through this briliant method that usually social ads such as about war and global warming could seem too boring and serious, then people avoid it but their ads are interesting and fun.


  1. http://tab.search.daum.net/dsa/search?w=imgviewer&SearchType=total&ResultType=total&SimilarYN=total_Y&SortType=total&q=%C0%CC%C1%A6%BC%AE%C7%A5%C0%FD&page_offset=0&page=1&lpp=10&od=nx7jn300

  2. plagiarism doubt

